Seeking Clarity…Seeking the Pathways

pathways life photography banat conform

I am not so creative as to be posting remarkable efforts like most of you. I try to see, but the images don’t come easy. I enjoy reading and seeing what all of you create. It touches my mind, my heart and my gut often.

The pathways in life, for me, are often blurry. The next steps ahead uncertain and hard to see. In reading your works and viewing your images, I sense we are not unalike except for your abilities to express yourselves better than I.

Many of you seek harmony, peace, self love, respect, love, resolution, forgiveness, fun, understanding, the dissipation of anger. I turn toward your efforts to find peace of heart and harmony.

I turn away from the cynics, the conformists, the always correctly behaving, the manipulative, the ones that have a cause and will use whatever means to have me believe, conform, obey. I ask you, the true believer in Statism, to turn away from me because I am a viper seeking to be left alone…leave me alone or else.

Back to peaceful thoughts hey? Again, as I muddle along, seeking the clarity, the pathway for the next portion of my life, I gain visions, momentary clarity, a view of the pathways as the fuzzy steps come together in the distance. I often owe that to many of you.

You share your hearts to gain something for yourselves and to offer up a part of you. You should know that some of us, out here in the ethers, gain something from your joy, your fun, your new beginnings that give great delight and is reminiscent of good times long ago. Thank you and God Bless all of you for your kind hearts.

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